vom 29.4.2024
Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor &c. illustrated /
2 : SecondCarne, John ; Bartlett, William Henry ; Purser, William ; Allom, ThomasLondon : Fisher, Son, & Co., 1837Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor &c. illustrated /
3 : ThirdCarne, John ; Bartlett, William Henry ; Purser, William ; Allom, ThomasLondon : Fisher, Son, & Co., 1838Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor &c. illustrated /
1 : FirstCarne, John ; Bartlett, William Henry ; Purser, William ; Allom, ThomasLondon : Fisher, Son, & Co., 1836
vom 26.4.2024
Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt /
1 : Vol. I.Wilson, Charles William (Hrsg.)London : J.S. Virtue and Co., Limited, 294, City Road, [zwischen 1880 und 1884?]Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt /
3 : Vol. III.Wilson, Charles William (Hrsg.)London : J.S. Virtue and Co., Limited, 294, City Road, [zwischen 1880 und 1884?]Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt /
4 : Vol. IV.Wilson, Charles William (Hrsg.)London : J.S. Virtue and Co., Limited, 294, City Road, [zwischen 1880 und 1884?]Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt /
2 : Vol. II.Wilson, Charles William (Hrsg.)London : J.S. Virtue and Co., Limited, 294, City Road, [zwischen 1880 und 1884?]Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt
with numerous engravings on steel and wood ; in four volumesWilson, Charles William (Hrsg.)London : J.S. Virtue and Co., Limited, 294, City Road, [zwischen 1880 und 1884?]
vom 5.4.2024
The wars in Germany
with the taking of the seuerall townes by the Marquesse Spynola, and the present estate of the whole armie now on foote, in right of the emperour, sent from the Pope. Emperour. King of Spaine. Archduke. The cardinals. And Germaine prelasts. Together with the present estate of the contrary armie, conducted by Graue Maurice of Nassau, and the townes by him taken. Truely translated out of Dutch and French into English: and printed at Antwerpe the third of September. 1614Printed at London : [By E. Allde and T. Snodham] for Nathaniell Butter], 1614
vom 30.5.2023
Memoirs Of The Lives and Conduct Of those Illustrious Heroes Prince Eugene of Savoy, And John Duke of Marlborough : Wherein is included a full, particular and impartial account of their Behaviour in the late Wars, as likewise the Military and gallant Actions of The Duke of Argyle, The Earl of Stair, The Lord Cobham, The Earl of Cadogan. And many other Generals, both English and Foreign, eminent for their Courage and Conduct
The Whole being a compleat and regular History of the Wars in all Parts of Europe, viz. Battles, Sieges, Skirmishes,The Whole being a compleat and regular history of the Wars in all Parts of Europe, viz. Battles, Sieges, Skirmishes, and c. from the Beginning of the Reign of Queen Anne (of glorious Memory) to the Time of the last general Peace. Collected from Messieurs Dumont, Rousset, and other good Authority. The Whole illustrated with a great Number of large Copper Plates, representing the principal Battles, & c. Together with the Effigies of Prince Eugene, and the Duke of Marlborough. To which is added a Compleat Alphabetical Index.Dumont, Jean ; Rousset de Missy, JeanLondon : printed for J. Rowlands, in Exeter Exchange; and Benjamin Stitchall, at the Bible in Clare Court, Drury-Lane, MDCCXLII
vom 2.5.2023
A Cruell And Blovdy Battaile, Betwixt the VVeymarish and Hessish, and the Imperialistis, the like hath not happened these many yeeres
Fought betwixt Collen and VVeesel, the 12.22. of the last moneth, where it pleased God to give the victory to the Weymarish and Hessish. The names of the Commanders both slaun and taken prisoners. The exceeding great feare and danger Collen is now in. A faire opportunity being now offered to recover the Palatinate againe, if friends were both ready and willing.London : Printed for Nath: Butter., MDCXLII.