- TitelMemoirs Of The Lives and Conduct Of those Illustrious Heroes Prince Eugene of Savoy, And John Duke of Marlborough : Wherein is included a full, particular and impartial account of their Behaviour in the late Wars, as likewise the Military and gallant Actions of The Duke of Argyle, The Earl of Stair, The Lord Cobham, The Earl of Cadogan. And many other Generals, both English and Foreign, eminent for their Courage and Conduct : The Whole being a compleat and regular History of the Wars in all Parts of Europe, viz. Battles, Sieges, Skirmishes,The Whole being a compleat and regular history of the Wars in all Parts of Europe, viz. Battles, Sieges, Skirmishes, and c. from the Beginning of the Reign of Queen Anne (of glorious Memory) to the Time of the last general Peace. Collected from Messieurs Dumont, Rousset, and other good Authority. The Whole illustrated with a great Number of large Copper Plates, representing the principal Battles, & c. Together with the Effigies of Prince Eugene, and the Duke of Marlborough. To which is added a Compleat Alphabetical Index.
- EinheitssachtitelHistoire militaire du prince Eugene de Savoye, du prince et duc de Marlborough et du prince de Nassau-Frise. <franz.>
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- Umfang134 Seiten, 1 Portraitkupfer, 620 tatsächlich 614 Seiten, 10 ungezählte Blätter ; 2°
- ProvenienzHarriet Farnham
- ErhaltungszustandEinband: blindgepr. Ldrbd. d.Zt. mit RSchild; beschabt u. bestoßen; Rücken erneuert; 6 Bünde; rotgefleckter Schnitt
- OriginalstandortMuseum Burg Linn
- SpracheEnglisch
- Online-AusgabeDüsseldorf : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2023
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