170 Neuzugänge

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vom 29.4.2024
vom 26.4.2024
vom 5.4.2024
  • Titelblatt

    The wars in Germany

    with the taking of the seuerall townes by the Marquesse Spynola, and the present estate of the whole armie now on foote, in right of the emperour, sent from the Pope. Emperour. King of Spaine. Archduke. The cardinals. And Germaine prelasts. Together with the present estate of the contrary armie, conducted by Graue Maurice of Nassau, and the townes by him taken. Truely translated out of Dutch and French into English: and printed at Antwerpe the third of September. 1614
    Printed at London : [By E. Allde and T. Snodham] for Nathaniell Butter], 1614
vom 13.7.2023
  • Titelblatt

    The Register Of the Most Noble Order Of The Garter

    From its Cover in Black Velvet, Usually Called The Black Book ; With Notes Placed at the Bottom of the Pages, And An Introduction Prefixed by the Editor
    Anstis, John
    London : printed by John Barber, 1724
vom 22.6.2023
vom 30.5.2023
vom 2.5.2023
vom 19.11.2021
vom 15.6.2021
  • Titelblatt

    Ancient and modern Malta

    containing a full and accurate account of the present state of the islands of Malta and Goza, the histoty of the knights of St. John of Jerusalem ; ... and appendix, containing authentic state-papers and other documents ; illustr.
    Boisgelin, Louis de
    London : Phillips, 1805
vom 7.4.2021
vom 24.2.2021
  • Titelblatt

    The History Of the most Noble Order of the Garter

    Wherein is set forth An Account of the Town Castle, Chapel, and College of Windsor; with their several Officers ; The Foundation of the Order by King Edward III. ; With the Statutes, and Annals at large, as they have been altered and amended ; An Account of the Habits, Ensigns and Officers of the Order ... To which is prefix'd, A Discourse of Knighthood in General, and the several Orders extant in Europe
    Ashmole, Elias ; Walker, Thomas (Hrsg.)
    London : Printed for A. Bell, 1715
vom 18.9.2019
vom 6.9.2019