Formulary for the preparation and employment of several new remedies
namely, resin of nux vomica, strychnine, morphine, hydrocyanic acid, preparations of cinchona, emetine, iodine, piperine, chlorurets of lime and soda ...Magendie, François ; Houlton, JosephLondon : Underwood, 1828A Formulary for the Preparation and medical
administration of certain new RemediesMagendie, François ; Gully, James ManbyLondon : Churchill, 1835Formulary for the preparation and mode of employing several new remedies /
[Hauptbd.]Magendie, François ; Haden, Charles Thomas ; Dunglison, Robley2. ed. / translated from the French of the 3. ed. of Magendie's "Formulaire" by Robley Dunglison, 1824Formulary for the preparation and mode of employing several new remedies
Magendie, François ; Haden, Charles Thomas ; Dunglison, RobleyLondon : Underwood, 1824Formulary for the preparation and mode of employing several new remedies /
Appendix : ... to the formulary for the preparation and mode of employing several new remediescontaining the pharmaceutical and therapeutical properties of the hydriodates of potass and soda, the ioduret of mercury, the cyanurets of potassium and zinc ... ; translated from the French of the fourth edition of Magendie's "Formulaire"Magendie, François ; Haden, Charles Thomas ; Dunglison, Robley1824Vorschriften für die Bereitung und Anwendung einiger neuen Arzneimittel
als der Krähenaugen, des Morphins, der Blausäure ...Magendie, François2., nach d. 2. Aufl. d. Orig. verb. und verm. Aufl., Leipzig : Voß, 1823Vorschriften zur Bereitung und Anwendung einiger neuen Arzneimittel
als der Brechnuß, der Morphinsalze ...Magendie, François6., von Neuem verb. u. verm. Aufl., Leipzig, 1831