3 Titel für Johannes, Marchesinus
zu den Filteroptionen3 Titel für Johannes, Marchesinus
- LandItalien
- BerufMönch
- Weitere AngabenOFM; Mammothreptus pars I;II; Centiloquium ; Stand: 03.06.2020: "[Franciscan] Italian friar from Reggio. Joined the order in the Bologna province and was predominantly active in the Ferrara custody. Probably received a lectorate training at the Bologna Studium Generale in the early 1270s. According to archival documents lector at Imola in 1275, thereafter possibly lector in Faventia (1280) and designated lector in Bologna"
Datenquelle: GND
MS-B-178 - Gerardus de Zutphania. Johannes Marchesinus. Expositio psalmorum. (Theologische Sammelhandschrift)
Gerardus <de Zutphania> ; Johannes <Marchesinus>Niederrhein (Werden, Benediktinerabtei St. Liudger ?), um 1475 - 1490