170 Titel
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The English Physician enlarged with 369 Medicines, made of English Herbs, that were not in any Impression until this
Culpeper, NicholasLondon, 1799London von der Waterloo-Brücke aus
Bildliche Darstellung, 1835The Pharmacopoeia of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital
6th Ed., London, 1879Schreiben Aus dem Himmel nach Londen, Oder: König Wilhelms III. In Engeland Zuschrift, Aus der andern Welt, An die Königinn Anna In Engeland. Von den Frieden betreffend
Wilhelm <III., England, König> ; Anna <Großbritannien, Königin, 1665-1714>Londen, 1713Statutes of the Most honourable order of the bath
Order of the Bathprinted in 1725, reprinted in 1787, London, 1787Pharmacopoeia Nosocomii Regalis Sancti Bartholomei
Londini : Adlard, 1799Death's doings
consisting of numerous original compositions, in prose and verse, the friendly contributions of various writersDagley, Richard (Hrsg.)London : Andrews [u.a.], 1826Medulla medicinae universae or a new compendious dispensatory
compiled at the command of His Royal Highness the Duke, for the use of the military hospital abroad, during the late warTheobald, John4th ed., London : Baldwin, 1752Thesaurus Medicaminum
a new Collection of medical Prescriptions, distributed into 12 Classes, and accompanied with pharmaceutical and practical Remarks, exhibiting a View of the present State of the Materia medica and Practice of Physic in this and other Countries3rd Ed., London : Baldwin, 1804A new Supplement to the Pharmacopoeias of London, Edinburgh, Dublin, and Paris; forming a complete Dispensatory and Conspectus; including the new French Medicines, and Poisons; with Symptoms, Treatment, and Tests
Rennie, James3rd Ed., London : Baldwin & Cradock, 1833An experimental history of the materia medica or of the natural and artificial substances made use of in madicine
containing a compendious view of their natural historyLewis, WilliamLondon : Baldwin [u.a.], 1761A brief Notice of the life, researches and discoveries of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
Herschel, John F. W.London : Barclay, 1847The English Physician Enlarged
With Three Hundred and Sixty-Nine Medicines, made of English Herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation ...Culpeper, NicholasLondon : Barker, [ca. 1800]Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Londinensis
or, the new London dispensatory in 6 books ; transl. into English for the publick good, and fitted to the whole art of healing ; ill. with the preparations, virtues and uses of all simple medicaments, vegetable, animal and mineral of all the compounds both international and external, and of all the chymical preparations now in use ; together with some choice medicines added by the author ; as also the praxis of chymistry as it's now exercised, fitted to the meanest Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, or, the New Londnon Dispensatory capacitySalmon, William (Hrsg.)4th ed. / corr. and amended by William Salmon, London : Bassett, 1691The dance of death
in a series of engravings on wood from designs attributed to Hans Holbein ; with a treatise on the subjectDouce, FrancisLondon : Bell, 1896Pharmacopoeia officinalis et extemporanea
or a compleat English dispensatory in four partsQuincy, John2nd. ed., very much improved, London : Bell, 1719Pharmacopoeia Colligii Regalis Medicorum Londonensis
Lipsiae : Beygang, 1788The Pocket Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland
with genealogical and historical notices of the families of the nobility ; the archbishops and bishops ; a list of titles of courtesy ; a baronetage of the United Kingdom ; the privy councilForster, Henry RumseyLondon : Bogue, 1851