8 Titel
8 Titel
Paraphrasis poetica Psalmi Davidis ...
Dusseldorpii : Bern. Buys, 1614Relacion De La Iornada, Qve Hizo El Marqves Espinola con don Iñigo de Borja, y don Luys de Velasco con veynte mil infantes, y dos mil y quinientos cauallos, [...]
Sevilla : por Alonso Rodriguez Gamarra ... de Martin Ceron, An[n]o 1614Scholastica Commentaria
Nunc postremò, post omnes omnium editiones millibus aliquot mendarum sublatis, summa Theologorum Duacensium fide ac diligentia recogniti & illustrati. Cvm Indicibvs Locvpletissimis ..., Dvaci : Borremans, 1614Tartarus Hypochondriorum, das ist: Natur gemäß künstliche Beschreibung der Tartar Kranckheit
welche von dem Fabricatore Morborum in Cuciebitulis Balnei Hypochondriorum, von den Excrementis Procreationum Elementorum crescentium, &c. zusammen colligieret und in ein Mineram fabriciret wordenGera : Apels, 1614The wars in Germany
with the taking of the seuerall townes by the Marquesse Spynola, and the present estate of the whole armie now on foote, in right of the emperour, sent from the Pope. Emperour. King of Spaine. Archduke. The cardinals. And Germaine prelasts. Together with the present estate of the contrary armie, conducted by Graue Maurice of Nassau, and the townes by him taken. Truely translated out of Dutch and French into English: and printed at Antwerpe the third of September. 1614Printed at London : [By E. Allde and T. Snodham] for Nathaniell Butter], 1614