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Pharmacopoeia Bateana or Bate's Dispensatory
Bate, George ; Salmon, WilliamTranslated from the last Edition of the Latin Copy, published by Mr. James Shipton, 3. ed. / By William Salmon, London : Smith & Walford, 1706Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis Londini remedia omnia succincte descripta
una cum catalogo simplicium ordine alphabetico digestorum. Quibus annexum est manuale ad forum: nec-non pinax psographious [...] Huic insuper adjiciuntur pharmaca nonnulla in usu hodierno apud medicos Londinenses. Accessit item in calce prosodia medica observatu non indigna ...Editio quarta prioribus emendatior & auctior., Londini : Walthoe, 1711A compleat history of druggs
written in French by Monsieur Pomet, chief druggist to the present French king ; to which is added what is further observable on the same subject, from Messrs. Lemery and Tournefort, divided into 3 classes, vegetable, animal and mineral, with their use in physick, chymistry, pharmacy and several other arts ; done into English from the originalsPomet, Pierre ; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de ; Lemery, NicolasLondon : Bonwicke, 1712Schreiben Aus dem Himmel nach Londen, Oder: König Wilhelms III. In Engeland Zuschrift, Aus der andern Welt, An die Königinn Anna In Engeland. Von den Frieden betreffend
Wilhelm <III., England, König> ; Anna <Großbritannien, Königin, 1665-1714>Londen, 1713The History Of the most Noble Order of the Garter
Wherein is set forth An Account of the Town Castle, Chapel, and College of Windsor; with their several Officers ; The Foundation of the Order by King Edward III. ; With the Statutes, and Annals at large, as they have been altered and amended ; An Account of the Habits, Ensigns and Officers of the Order ... To which is prefix'd, A Discourse of Knighthood in General, and the several Orders extant in EuropeAshmole, Elias ; Walker, Thomas (Hrsg.)London : Printed for A. Bell, 1715Pharmacopoeia officinalis et extemporanea
or a compleat English dispensatory in four partsQuincy, John2nd. ed., very much improved, London : Bell, 1719Dr. Radcliffe's practical dispensatory
containing a complete body of prescriptions, fitted for all diseases, internal and external, digested under proper headsRadcliffe, John ; Strother, Edward (Hrsg.)4. ed. / by Edward Strother, London : Rivington, 1721Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis
Sloane, Hans (Hrsg.)4. ed. / supervised by Hans Sloane, Londini : Knaplock : Bowyer, 1721The Register Of the Most Noble Order Of The Garter
From its Cover in Black Velvet, Usually Called The Black Book ; With Notes Placed at the Bottom of the Pages, And An Introduction Prefixed by the EditorAnstis, JohnLondon : printed by John Barber, 1724The English Physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine Medicines, made of English Herbs, that were not in any Impression until this
Culpeper, NicholasLondon : Norris, 1725Observations introductory to an historical essay, upon the knighthood of the Bath
Anstis, JohnLondon : James Woodman [u.a.], 1725Pharmacopoeia officinalis et extemporanea
or a compleat English dispensatory in four partsQuincy, John7th ed., much enlarged and corr., to which is added an account of the common adulterations, both of simples and compounds, with some marks to detect them by, London : Osborn & Longman, 1728Samuelis Dalei Pharmacologia, seu Manuductio ad Materiam medicam
in qua Medicamenta officinalia simplicia, hoc est mineralia, vegetabilia, animalia eorumque Partes in Medicinae Officinis usitata, in Methodum naturalem digesta succincte & accurate describuntur ...Dale, SamuelTertia Editio ..., Londini : Innys & Manby, 1737A compleat body of distilling
explainig the mysteries of that science in a most easy and familiar manner ; containing an exact and accurate method of making all the compound cordial waters now in use, with a particular account of their several virtues, as also a directory ...Smith, GeorgeThe 3d ed., London : Lintot, 1738Herman Boerhaave's Materia medica: Or, a series of Presciptions adapted to the Sections of his Practical Aphorisms concerning the Knowledge and Cure of Diseases
translated from the Latin Original of the last genuine Edition of the AuthorBoerhaave, HermanLondon : Innys & Manby, 1741The Peerage of England
containing a genealogical and historical account of all the peers of England, ...Collins, Arthur2. ed., very much enlarged and corr., London : Innys [u.a.], 1741Memoirs Of The Lives and Conduct Of those Illustrious Heroes Prince Eugene of Savoy, And John Duke of Marlborough : Wherein is included a full, particular and impartial account of their Behaviour in the late Wars, as likewise the Military and gallant Actions of The Duke of Argyle, The Earl of Stair, The Lord Cobham, The Earl of Cadogan. And many other Generals, both English and Foreign, eminent for their Courage and Conduct
The Whole being a compleat and regular History of the Wars in all Parts of Europe, viz. Battles, Sieges, Skirmishes,The Whole being a compleat and regular history of the Wars in all Parts of Europe, viz. Battles, Sieges, Skirmishes, and c. from the Beginning of the Reign of Queen Anne (of glorious Memory) to the Time of the last general Peace. Collected from Messieurs Dumont, Rousset, and other good Authority. The Whole illustrated with a great Number of large Copper Plates, representing the principal Battles, & c. Together with the Effigies of Prince Eugene, and the Duke of Marlborough. To which is added a Compleat Alphabetical Index.Dumont, Jean ; Rousset de Missy, JeanLondon : printed for J. Rowlands, in Exeter Exchange; and Benjamin Stitchall, at the Bible in Clare Court, Drury-Lane, MDCCXLII