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Champagne latine Campania, Comitatus
Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 18China Veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc Incolis Tame dicta
Nobiliß.mo Ampliß.mo Spectatiß.moque Viro D. Theodoro Bas Equiti, Reip. Amstelodamensis Consuli ac Senatori, ad Suecorum Regem et Moschorum Ducem nuper Legato; Societatis quoque Indicae quae ad Orientem mercatur et militat aßeßori, Tab. hanc D. D.Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. 2 Bl. 5Comitatus Bellovacum, Vernaculè Beauvais
Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 13Comitatuum Boloniae et Guines Descriptio
Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 7A Cruell And Blovdy Battaile, Betwixt the VVeymarish and Hessish, and the Imperialistis, the like hath not happened these many yeeres
Fought betwixt Collen and VVeesel, the 12.22. of the last moneth, where it pleased God to give the victory to the Weymarish and Hessish. The names of the Commanders both slaun and taken prisoners. The exceeding great feare and danger Collen is now in. A faire opportunity being now offered to recover the Palatinate againe, if friends were both ready and willing.London : Printed for Nath: Butter., MDCXLII.Delphinatus vulgo Dauphiné
Avec ses Confins des Pais et provinces voisinesBeins, Jean de ; Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 53Descriptio Veromanduorum Gallice Vermandois
Gallice VermandoisPetit, Pierre ; Surhon, Jean ; Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 10Dioecese de Rheims et le pais de Rethel
Jubrien, Jean ; Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 19Ducatus Andegavensis
Guyet, Lécin ; Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 38Ducatus Turonensis
Franco, Isaac ; Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 36Les environs de L'Estang De Longpendu, Comprenant une grande partie du Comté de Charolois
Damme, Jean van ; Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 24Fezzae Et Marocchi Regna Africae Celeberrima
Ortelius, Abraham ; Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. 2 Bl.2Gallaecia Regnum
Ojea, Hernando ; Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. 2 Bl. 11Gallia Vetus
Ad Iul. Caesaris commentariaOrtelius, Abraham ; Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 65Gastinois Et Senonois
Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 17Le Gouvernement De L'Isle De France
Templeux, Damien de ; Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. Bl. 11Granata, Et Murcia Regna
Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. 2 Bl. 14Guiana sive Amazonum Regio
Blaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. 2 Bl. 11Guinea
[gewidmet] Nicolao TulpBlaeu, Willem JanszoonIn: Novvs Atlas, Das ist/ Weltbeschreibung/, 2Jg. 2 H. 2 Bl. 3