21 Titel in London Pharm.
zu den Filteroptionen21 Titel in London Pharm.
Londner Apothekerbuch
nach der neuesten Originalausgabe übersetzt und mit einigen Zusätzen und AnmerkungenEschenbach, Christian Gotthold (Hrsg.)Leipzig : Crusius, 1789The new dispensatory
containing 1. The elements of pharmacy, 2. The materia medica ..., 3. The preparations and compositions of the new London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias ; the whole interspersed with practical cautions and observationsLewis, William2nd ed., corr., with large additions, London : Nourse, 1765The new dispensatory
containing 1. The elements of pharmacy, 2. The materia medica, or an account of the substances employed in medicine, 3. The preparations and compositions of the new London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias ; the whole interspersed with practical cautions and observationsLewis, William6th ed., London : F. Wingrave, 1799The new Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] of the Royal College of Physicians of London
Healde, Thomas (Hrsg.)3rd ed., London : Longman : Galabin, 1788The new Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] of the Royal College of Physicians of London
Healde, Thomas (Hrsg.)London : Longman : Galabin, 1788A new translation of the Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] of the Royal College of Physicians of London, of the year 1787
with notes, critical and explanatory ; doses of the several preparations ; likewise a table of the quantities of opium and quicksilver in the compound medicines which contain them, and a list of the new names ; together with Latin and English indexesLondon : Johnson, 1789De nieuwe Britsche apotheek
behelzende 1. De algemeene beginselen der kruidmengkunst, 2. De materia medica ..., 3. De bereidingen en saamenmengselen van de nieuwe Londensche en Edinburgsche apotheeken ...Lewis, William ; Brussel, Theodorus vanAmsterdam : Bom, 1772De nieuwe Britsche apotheek /
1 (1772) : Behelzende 1. De algeneene Beginselen der Kruidmengkunst. 2. De Materia Medica. 3. De Bereidingen en Saamenmengselen van de nieuwe Londensche en Edinburgsche ApotheekenLewis, William ; Brussel, Theodorus vanAmsterdam : Bom, 1772De nieuwe Britsche apotheek /
2 (1773) : Behelzende de Bereidingen en Saamenmengsels van de nieuwe Londensche en Edinburgsche ApotheekenLewis, William ; Brussel, Theodorus vanAmsterdam : Bom, 1772Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis Londini remedia omnia succincte descripta
una cum catalogo simplicium ordine alphabetico digestorum. Quibus annexum est manuale ad forum: nec-non pinax psographious [...] Huic insuper adjiciuntur pharmaca nonnulla in usu hodierno apud medicos Londinenses. Accessit item in calce prosodia medica observatu non indigna ...Editio quarta prioribus emendatior & auctior., Londini : Walthoe, 1711Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis
Parisiis : Barrois, 1788Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis
Londini : apud Josephum Johnson, [1788]Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis
[S.l.] ; Francofurti [u.a.] : Fleischer, 1762Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis
Londini : Nourse & Longman, 1763Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis
Sloane, Hans (Hrsg.)4. ed. / supervised by Hans Sloane, Londini : Knaplock : Bowyer, 1721Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis
Londini : Johnson, 1788Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis
iuxta postremam renovationem ed.Londini [u.a.] : Logman, Shewell & Nourse [u.a.], 1746Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis
Francof. Et Lipsiae : Fleischer, 1785