13 Titel in Deutsche Landesgeschichte
zu den Filteroptionen13 Titel in Deutsche Landesgeschichte
Teichgräber, Heinrich WilhelmIn: Borussia : Museum für preussische Vaterlandskunde, 2 (1839)Jg. II.22 H. B.III1839[Oberwesel And Caub]
Batty, Robert ; Wallis, RobertIn: Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland, Proofs and Etchings, Vol. ILondon : Jennings, 1826[Oberwesel And Caub]
Batty, Robert ; Wallis, RobertIn: Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland, Proofs and Etchings, Vol. ILondon : Jennings, 1826[Oberwesel And Caub]
Batty, RobertIn: Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland, Original Drawings, Vol. ILondon : Jennings, 1826Oberwesel. Virgines vagabundas devita
Meisner, Daniel ; Kieser, Eberhard ; Merian, Matthaeus <der Ältere>In: Thesaurus philo-politicus, h. e. emblemata s. moralia politica ... : accessit civitatum et urbium vera delineatio, 1,5-8Jg. Folge 1 H. Buch 5-81626[Oberwesel]
Batty, Robert ; Smith, W. R.In: Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland, Proofs and Etchings, Vol. ILondon : Jennings, 1826[Oberwesel]
Batty, Robert ; Smith, W. R.In: Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland, Proofs and Etchings, Vol. ILondon : Jennings, 1826[Oberwesel]
Batty, RobertIn: Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland, Original Drawings, Vol. ILondon : Jennings, 1826Ruine Schoenberg und Oberwesel
Obach, CasparIn: Souvenirs pittoresques du Rhine : 14 vues lithographiées d'après des dessins pris sur les lieux, (1832)Bildliche Darstellung, 1832Vesel
Gardnor, JohnIn: Views taken on and near the river Rhine, at Aix la Chapelle, and on river Maese, (1788)Bildliche Darstellung, 1788[View From Oberwesel]
Batty, Robert ; Goodall, Edward AlfredIn: Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland, Proofs and Etchings, Vol. ILondon : Jennings, 1826[View From Oberwesel]
Batty, Robert ; Goodall, Edward AlfredIn: Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland, Proofs and Etchings, Vol. ILondon : Jennings, 1826[View From Oberwesel]
Batty, RobertIn: Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland, Original Drawings, Vol. ILondon : Jennings, 1826