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Alte cymrische Heilkunde
ein Abdruck des historischen AndenkensWellcome, Henry S.London : Burroughs WellcomeAppendix to the 8th Edition of the Pharmacologia
with some Remarks on various Criticisms upon the London Pharmacopoeia of 1836Paris, John AyrtonLondon : Highley, 1838The Botanist's Companion, or an introduction to the knowledge of practical botany, and the uses of plants
either growing wild in Great Britain, or cultivated for the purposes of agriculture, medicine, rural economy, or the artsSalisbury, WilliamLondon : Longman, Hurst Rees, Orme & Brown, 1816Colloquies on the simple & drugs of India
Orta, Garcia de ; Ficalho, Francisco M. deNew ed. (Lisbon, 1895)/ ed. and ann. by the Conde de Ficalho, London : Sotheran, 1913Companion to the latest Edition of the British Pharmacopoeia, comparing the Strength of its various Preparations with those of the United States, and other foreign Pharmacopoeias, to which are added not official Preparations, and practical Hints on Prescribing
Squire, Peter ; Squire, Peter Wyatt17th Ed. rev. / by Peter Wyatt Squire, London : Churchill, 1899A compleat body of distilling
explainig the mysteries of that science in a most easy and familiar manner ; containing an exact and accurate method of making all the compound cordial waters now in use, with a particular account of their several virtues, as also a directory ...Smith, GeorgeThe 3d ed., London : Lintot, 1738A compleat history of druggs
written in French by Monsieur Pomet, chief druggist to the present French king ; to which is added what is further observable on the same subject, from Messrs. Lemery and Tournefort, divided into 3 classes, vegetable, animal and mineral, with their use in physick, chymistry, pharmacy and several other arts ; done into English from the originalsPomet, Pierre ; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de ; Lemery, NicolasLondon : Bonwicke, 1712A course of chymistry
containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicins which are used in physick ; with curious remarks and useful discourses upon each preparation, for the benefit of such a desire to be instructed in the knowledge of this artLemery, NicolasThe 3rd. ed., transl. from the 8th ed. in the French, London : Kettilby, 1698Domestic Medicine
or a Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases by Regimen and simple MedicinesBuchan, WilliamLondon : Pratt, 1847Domestic Medicine
or, a Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases by Regimen and simple MedicinesBuchan, WilliamLondon : Oddy, 1813Domestic Medicine
or, a Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases by Regimen and simple MedicinesBuchan, WilliamLondon : Lewis, 1830Dr. Radcliffe's practical dispensatory
containing a complete body of prescriptions, fitted for all diseases, internal and external, digested under proper headsRadcliffe, John ; Strother, Edward (Hrsg.)4. ed. / by Edward Strother, London : Rivington, 1721The elements of materia medica and therapeutics
Pereira, Jonathan4. ed., enl. and impr. including notices of most of the medicinal substances in use in the civilised world and forming an encyclopaedia of Materia Medica, London : Longman [u.a.], 1854The elements of materia medica
comprehending the natural history, preparation, properties, composition, effects, and uses of medicinesPereira, JonathanLondon : Longman, 1839The English Physician enlarged with 369 Medicines, made of English Herbs, that were not in any Impression until this
Culpeper, NicholasLondon, 1799The English Physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine Medicines, made of English Herbs, that were not in any Impression until this
Culpeper, NicholasLondon : Norris, 1725The English Physician Enlarged
With Three Hundred and Sixty-Nine Medicines, made of English Herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation ...Culpeper, NicholasLondon : Barker, [ca. 1800]Every man his own physician
being a complete collection of efficacious and approved remedies, for every disease incident to the human body ; with plain instructions for their common useTheobald, JohnA new ed., improved, London : Griffin, 1766