Sammlung Vester (DFG) → 5 Treffer für Erscheinungsort = "Cincinnati" und Sammlung = Sammlung Vester (DFG)
zu den FilteroptionenSammlung Vester (DFG) → 5 Treffer für Erscheinungsort = "Cincinnati" und Sammlung = Sammlung Vester (DFG)
An account of some of the vegetable productions, naturally growing in this part of America, botanically arranged
Cutler, ManassehRepr. [d. Ausg.] Boston, 1785, Cincinnati, Ohio : Lloyd Library, 1903Biographies of John King, Andrew Jackson Howe, and John Milton Scudder
accompanied by many valuable and historical portraits and other illustrationsFelter, Harvey WickesCincinnati, Ohio : Lloyd, 1912History of the vegetable drugs of the Pharmacopoeia of the United States
Lloyd, John UriCincinnati, Ohio : Lloyd Library, 1911The Indian doctor's dispensatory being Father Smith's advice respecting diseases and their cure
Smith, Peter ; Lloyd, John Uri[Reprint d. Ausg.] Cincinnati 1812, Cincinnati, Ohio : Lloyd, 1901An investigation of the properties of the Sanguinaria Canadensis or Puccoon
Downey, William[Reprod. d. Ausg.]1803, Cincinnati, Ohio : Lloyd Library, 1907