Sammlung Vester (DFG) → 5 Treffer für Erscheinungsort = "London" und Sammlung = Sammlung Vester (DFG)
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A course of chymistry
containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicins which are used in physick ; with curious remarks and useful discourses upon each preparation, for the benefit of such a desire to be instructed in the knowledge of this artLemery, NicolasThe 3rd. ed., transl. from the 8th ed. in the French, London : Kettilby, 1698The London Dispensatory
reduced to the practice of the London physicians, wherein are contain'd the medicines, both galenical and chymical, that are now in use ; those that are out of use are omitted ; and such a are in use, and not in the Latin copy, are added, with vertues and dosesPechey, John (Hrsg.)London : Lawrence : Collins, 1694A medicinal dispensatory, containing the vvhole body of physick
discovering the natures, properties, and vertues of vegetables, minerals, & animals: the manner of compounding medicaments, and the way to administer them. Methodically digested in five books of philosophical and pharmaceutical institutions; three books of physical materials galenical and chymical. Together with a most perfect and absolute pharmacopoea or apothecaries shop. Accommodated with three useful tables. Composed by the illustrious Renodæus, chief physician to the monarch of France; and now Englished and revised, by Richard Tomlinson of London, apothecaryRenou, Jean de ; Tomlinson, RichardLondon : Sawbridge, 1657Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Londinensis
or, the new London dispensatory in 6 books ; transl. into English for the publick good, and fitted to the whole art of healing ; ill. with the preparations, virtues and uses of all simple medicaments, vegetable, animal and mineral of all the compounds both international and external, and of all the chymical preparations now in use ; together with some choice medicines added by the author ; as also the praxis of chymistry as it's now exercised, fitted to the meanest Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, or, the New Londnon Dispensatory capacitySalmon, William (Hrsg.)4th ed. / corr. and amended by William Salmon, London : Bassett, 1691Pharmacopoeia Bateana: Or Bate's Dispensatory
Bate, George ; Salmon, WilliamTranslated from the second Edition of the Latin Copy, published by Mr. James Shipton / By William Salmon, London : Smith & Walford, 1694