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The Empire of Charlemagne A.D. DCCC
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)The Kingdom of Jerusalem with its Environs at the time of the Crusades
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Charte von Teutschland
Nach den Besitzungen der Chur- und Fürstl. Häuser und der Reichsstädte nebst den Entschädigungen nach dem definitiven Reichs-Deputations-Schlusse vom 20ten November 1802Güssefeld, Franz LudwigExpeditio Hannibalis Poenorum Ducis
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Karte von dem Herzogthum Oldenburg
nach den trigonometrischen und topographischen Vermessungen desselben und den neuesten astronomischen Orts-Bestimmungen ; nördlicher Theil: mit den angrenzenden Herrschaften Jever und Kniphausen, und den Mündungen der Weser und Jahde ; nach den Vermessungen von Wessel... von 1782 - 99Mentz, Christian F.Plan du Canal de Trollhätta
Wiebeking, Carl Friedrich von (Hrsg.)In: Allgemeine auf Geschichte und Erfahrung gegründete theoretisch-practische Wasserbaukunst : bearb. von einer Gesellschaft Hydrotecten, Professoren der Mathematik, Ingenieuren und Maschinen-Directoren, [Kupferband]Achaia Exhibiting the Travels of Anacharsis between the Years CCC.LXIII & CCC.LVI before Christ
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Charte vom Königreich Preussen nach seiner dermaligen Eintheilung in Ost-West-Süd- und Neu-Ost-Preussen
Aus den von Textor gemachten astronomischen Ortsbestimmungen, trigonometrischen Messungen und Charten, ingleichen den Charten von Gilly von Süd-Preussen, soweit solche dermalen erschienen sind, mit Zuziehung der Metzburgischen CharteGüssefeld, Franz Ludwig ; Homann, Johann ChristophGraecia Pars Septentrionalis aliter Macedonia, Thessalia & Epirus cum Thracia
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Pannonia, Dacia, Illyricum et Moesia
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Peloponnesus Exhibiting the Travels of Anacharsis between the Years CCC.LXIII & CCC.LVI before Christ
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Topographische Karte in 22 Blättern den größten Theil von Westphalen enthaltend, so wie auch das Herzogthum Westphalen und einen Theil der hannövrischen, braunschweigischen u. heßischen Länder ; nach astronomischen und trigonometrischen Ortsbestimmungen
nach astronomischen und trigonometrischen OrtsbestimmungenLe Coq, Karl Ludwig von ; Jäck, Carl[Etwa 1 : 600 000]. [Sect. 1 - 20],Vindelicia, Rhaetia et Noricum Antiqua
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Bellum Trojanum
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Die Erde in zwey Halbkugeln
nach den vorzüglichsten Charten und zuverlässigsten Ortsbestimmungen entworfenMannert, Conrad ; Rausch, Johann Lorenz JakobZweyte Ausg.,Imperiorum Antiquorum
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Orientalis Tabula
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Palaestina seu Terra Sancta
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Romani Imperii Primordia et Recentiora
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Der Canton Graubünden
nach dem Meyerschen Schweizer Atlas verbessert und in 9 Bezirke eingetheilt