12 Titel
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Pharmacopoeia chirurgica or a Manual of chirurgical Pharmacy, comprising all the valuable Formulae of the new London Pharmacopoeia, and of the several Pharmacopoeias appertaining to this Branch of Science, with Notes and Observations, as well on the Method of Compounding, as likewise on the Properties and Use of each
Wilson, James2nd Ed., London : E. Cox, 1811Domestic Medicine
or, a Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases by Regimen and simple MedicinesBuchan, WilliamLondon : Oddy, 1813The new domestic Medicine
or, a Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases, by Regimen and simple Medicines ; with an Appendix containing a Dispensatory for the Use of Private PractitionersBuchan, WilliamA new Ed., enlarged and improved, London : Kelly, 1814The Botanist's Companion, or an introduction to the knowledge of practical botany, and the uses of plants
either growing wild in Great Britain, or cultivated for the purposes of agriculture, medicine, rural economy, or the artsSalisbury, WilliamLondon : Longman, Hurst Rees, Orme & Brown, 1816Manuscrit venu de Sainte-Hélène, d'une manière inconnue
Lullin de Châteauvieux, FrédéricLondon : Murray [u.a.], 1817The London Dispensatory, containing
1. the Elements of Pharmacy ; 2. the botanical Description, natural History, chemical Analysis, and medicinal Properties of the Substances of the Materia Medica ; 3. the pharmaceutical Preparations and Compositions of the Pharmacopoeias of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Colleges of Physicians ; the Whole forming a Practical Synopsis of Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and TherepeuticsThomson, Anthony Todd2nd Ed., London : Longman, 1818Medical botany: or history of the plants in the Materia Medica
illustrative of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Pharmacopoeias, arranged according to the Linnaean SystemLondon : Cox [u.a.], 1819Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi
London : Großbritann. u. ausländ. Bibel-Ges., 1820