7 Titel

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    Iudaeae seu Terrae Israelis Tabula geographica

    in qua Locorum in Veteri et Novo Testamento celebratißimorum Situs accurate descripti
    Stella, Tilemann
    In: Description exacte de l'Univers : ou l'ancienne Geographie sacrée et profane, (1741)
  • Titelblatt

    Palestina, siue Terræ Sanctæ descriptio

    Jansson, Jan
    In: Description exacte de l'Univers : ou l'ancienne Geographie sacrée et profane, (1741)
  • Titelblatt

    Tabula Itineraria Patriarcharum Abrahami, Isaaci et Iacobi

    Jansson, Jan
    In: Description exacte de l'Univers : ou l'ancienne Geographie sacrée et profane, (1741)
  • Titelblatt

    Terra Sancta Vocata

    Quae Olim XII Tribus Hoc Autem Aevo In VI Provinc. Distincta Est ; Cum Privil. S. R. I. Vicariat., in partib. Rheni, Sueviae, et Iuris Franconici
    Seutter, Matthäus ; Silbereisen, Andreas
    In: Atlas minor praecipua orbis terrarum imperia, regna et provincias, Germaniae potissimum : tabelli 80 exacte delineatis sistens usui militiae ducum ac peregrinantium maxime accomodatus, (1750)
  • Titelblatt

    Canaan from the Time of Joshua to the Babylonish Captivity

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Canaan of the Land of Promise to Abraham and his Posterity

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    The Purveyorships in the Reign of Solomon

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)