11 Titel
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The new dispensatory
containing 1. The elements of pharmacy, 2. The materia medica, or an account of the substances employed in medicine, with the virtues and uses of each article, so far as they are warranted by experience and observation, 3.The preparations and compositions of the new London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias ; the whole interspersed with practical cautions and observationsLewis, William4. ed., London : Nourse, 1781A concise history of knighthood
Containing the religious and military orders which have been instituted in Europe. With descriptions of their mantles, caps, collars, stars, ribbons and mottoes. Also accounts of the installations of the Garter, Bath, Thistle and St. Patrick; and correct lists of the knights of each. To which is added the antient ceremonies used at duels, combats, justs, and tournamentsClark, HughLondon : Strahan [u.a.], 1784Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis
Francof. Et Lipsiae : Fleischer, 1785Statutes of the Most honourable order of the bath
Order of the Bathprinted in 1725, reprinted in 1787, London, 1787The new Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] of the Royal College of Physicians of London
Healde, Thomas (Hrsg.)3rd ed., London : Longman : Galabin, 1788The new Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] of the Royal College of Physicians of London
Healde, Thomas (Hrsg.)London : Longman : Galabin, 1788Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis
Londini : apud Josephum Johnson, [1788]Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] Collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis
Londini : Johnson, 1788Pharmacopoeia Colligii Regalis Medicorum Londonensis
Lipsiae : Beygang, 1788Views taken on and near the river Rhine, at Aix la Chapelle, and on river Maese
Gardnor, JohnLondon : Ellis & Walter, 1788A new translation of the Pharmacopoeia [Pharmacopoea] of the Royal College of Physicians of London, of the year 1787
with notes, critical and explanatory ; doses of the several preparations ; likewise a table of the quantities of opium and quicksilver in the compound medicines which contain them, and a list of the new names ; together with Latin and English indexesLondon : Johnson, 1789