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A compleat history of druggs
written in French by Monsieur Pomet, chief druggist to the present French king ; to which is added what is further observable on the same subject, from Messrs. Lemery and Tournefort, divided into 3 classes, vegetable, animal and mineral, with their use in physick, chymistry, pharmacy and several other arts ; done into English from the originalsPomet, Pierre ; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de ; Lemery, NicolasLondon : Bonwicke, 1712A compleat history of druggs /
2 (1712)Pomet, Pierre ; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de ; Lemery, NicolasLondon : Bonwicke, 1712Farmacopea universale che contiene tutte le composizioni di farmacia le qualisono in uso nella medicina
tanto in Francia, quanto per tutta l'europa, ... e di piu un vocabolario farmaceutico, molte nuove osservazioni, ed alcuni ragionamenti sopra ogni operazioneLemery, NicolasVenezia : Gio. Gabriel Hertz, 1720