47 Neuzugänge

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vom 7.8.2013
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  • Titelblatt

    The Kingdom of Jerusalem with its Environs at the time of the Crusades

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    The Empire of Charlemagne A.D. DCCC

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Saxon England

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Eslam or the Countries which have professed the Faith of Mahomet

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Britannia Romana

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Romanorum Imperium

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Expeditio Hannibalis Poenorum Ducis

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Imperium Parthicum Tempore Arsacidum

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Alexandri Magni Itinera in Expeditione inter Macedoniam, Libyam et Indiam

    cum Navigationem Nearchi ab Indo et Tigri Fluminibus
    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Reditus Decem Millium Graecorum

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    The World according to the Idea of Herodotus

    as far as can be collected from his History
    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Imperium Persicum Antiquum

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Romani Imperii Primordia et Recentiora

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Bellum Trojanum

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Imperiorum Antiquorum

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Orientalis Tabula

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Palaestina seu Terra Sancta

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Syria et Assyria

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)
  • Titelblatt

    Asia Minor Antiqua

    Wilkinson, Robert
    In: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)