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vom 7.8.2013
Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane
with their various subdivisions at different periodsWilkinson, RobertThe Kingdom of Jerusalem with its Environs at the time of the Crusades
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)The Empire of Charlemagne A.D. DCCC
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Saxon England
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Eslam or the Countries which have professed the Faith of Mahomet
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Britannia Romana
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Romanorum Imperium
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Expeditio Hannibalis Poenorum Ducis
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Imperium Parthicum Tempore Arsacidum
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Alexandri Magni Itinera in Expeditione inter Macedoniam, Libyam et Indiam
cum Navigationem Nearchi ab Indo et Tigri FluminibusWilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Reditus Decem Millium Graecorum
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)The World according to the Idea of Herodotus
as far as can be collected from his HistoryWilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Imperium Persicum Antiquum
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Romani Imperii Primordia et Recentiora
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Bellum Trojanum
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Imperiorum Antiquorum
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Orientalis Tabula
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Palaestina seu Terra Sancta
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Syria et Assyria
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)Asia Minor Antiqua
Wilkinson, RobertIn: Atlas classica being a collection of maps of the countries, mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane : with their various subdivisions at different periods, (1808)